def message = ''' is a website dedicated to teach people about
    Groovy and Groovy related technologies
    by showing a lot of sample code.

println message.stripIndent()

// Enhance String class with launching() method
// to always return 'Launching Soon'.
String.metaClass.launching { -> "$delegate Launching Soon" }

assert 'gr8labs'.launching() == 'gr8labs Launching Soon'
def message = ''' is a website
    dedicated to teach people
    about Groovy and
    Groovy related
    technologies by showing
    a lot of sample code.

println message.stripIndent()

// Enhance String class with
// launching() method to
// always return
// 'Launching Soon'.
String.metaClass.launching {->
    "Launching Soon"

assert 'gr8labs'.launching()
       == 'Launching Soon'